星期二, 八月 08, 2006

[侧眼看世界]Proxy War (updated)

Actually I found out the Mecca Cola in a mini mart near Penang Nationa Park. I just bought it and tasted it. The taste just very very close to Coca-Cola and better than Pepsi Cola!!!

The war between Israel and Hezebollah, Lebanon, for me, also a proxy war between the Evil & arrogant American lead by George Bush Jr. and the Islamic world (Iran? Syria?). Do you believe that Isreal start the war just because of 2 POWs ? So it's a planned war.

GOD damn you Israel!

You may consider to subsitute your cocain drink with this Mecca Cola. We have American earn enough from our wallet. Every drink sale will donate to charity and it's made in Malaysia. So why NOT?

7 条评论:

匿名 说...

Penang Nat. Park???!!!

haha... most penangites will just call it as a forest reserve.

obviously, you're not local people.

Chen Jie@陈杰 说...

uncle sim, the penang national park is the latest national park gazzzted under malaysia law ... penang ppl should proud of it la !

Xweing 说...

For your information, my chinese name is written as 筱薇!

Or Xweing Away!


野兽修行 说...

打民族感情牌的商品未来大有钱途 ! --- 我看到商机,呵呵。。。

Chen Jie@陈杰 说...


.亮 说...



野兽修行 说...


我还是那句话:Money is not everything when you have it, but it is everything when you dont have it.