看你的眼神 有一点怀疑
再这样下去 我如何讨你欢心
闭上了眼睛 什么都不想听
谁都别说 我就要失去耐性
看你的表情 有一点不确定
离开了人群 什么都不想听
谁都别问 我早已下定决心
就算全世界与我为敌 我还是要爱你
感觉爱情的潮汐 在你我之间来来去去
就算全世界与我为敌 我也不会逃避
再这样胡思乱想 你叫我如何相信
离开了人群 什么都不想听
谁都别问 我早已下定决心
就算全世界与我为敌 我还是要爱你 :)
4 条评论:
hahahhaha ....
u really got some serious problem with your imagination ....
u think u're some secret agent or some top guns ah?
the whole world anti you??? hahahhaha
this is one hell of joke ...
but it's just a song okie...
if you think the whole world is anti-ing you... well... it's time to wake up... the whole world has no time for your imagination.
well, just a song nia ma . hahaha ...
nice song by cheer ... chen jie,估唔到 u also listen to her song :D
not bad mah ..
I always like her music. I got all the album include the lastest compilation. She is such a amazing girl. I like her music so much. Hehe ...