星期六, 八月 27, 2005

[我思故我在]The First Cut is Deepest


这首歌是Sheryl Crow 唱的。她是一位我非常欣赏的摇滚女歌手。第一次接触她的专辑该是在中五还是中六时吧?与她同期的还有位我更喜欢的Alanis Morissette。

从 那开始,我就非常喜欢女摇滚歌手的专辑。原因也不很清楚,也许异性相吸吧?摇滚乐不是只是男性的专利吗?为何女摇滚乐手却那么风靡?我来自个传统的华人 家庭,但受了有点二毛的爸爸影响和“教父”郑医生的熏陶。我开始不是那么听话了,也许我天生就是个叛逆的人,从家里搞革命搞到社会去。最后要说的是,我看 不过眼家里对女性的偏见和贬低。我是支持男女平权。男女是天生不平等的,但可以拥有平等的权力。好了好了,回到音乐去。

其他我喜欢的女摇滚乐手有Alanis Morissette, Sarah McChlan, Tori Amos,陈珊妮,杨乃文当然就是陈绮贞。

会喜欢Sheryl Crow的原因,除了她的音乐外就是她的歌词。她的歌相较当下的所谓中文流行乐坛,是那么的有正面意义。

她早期些的作品如”Everyday is a Winding Road”, A Change Would Do You Good”, “I Shall Believe”等等。大家可以去她的官方网站去看看。http://www.sherylcrow.com 。她的新专辑也将要发行。

The first cut is deepest 是她两年前精选内的一首歌。蛮喜欢也蛮有感觉的。

I would have given you all of my heart
but there's someone who's torn it apart
and she's taking almost all that I've got
but if you want, I'll try to love again
baby I'll try to love again but I know

The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
'cause when it comes to being lucky she's cursed
when it comes to lovin' me she's worst
but when it comes to being loved she's first
that's how I know

The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest

I still want you by my side
just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
cause I'm sure gonna give you a try
and if you want, I'll try to love again
but baby, I'll try to love again, but I know

The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest

'Cause when it comes to being lucky she's cursed
when it comes to lovin' me she's worst
but when it comes to being loved she's first
that's how I know

The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest

最后补充,911事件后她是其中一位反布什总统和反对伊拉克战争的美国艺人。看看中文娱乐界还是乐坛,除了Beyond、陶哲等人的人文精神较先主外,其他人是什么?绯闻还是绯闻!西方流行文化能弘扬人文精神,亚洲你能吗?Asia Tak Boleh.

Try to love again, baby.
